!9#: Fraggle Rock: Complete Series Collection

Post Date : Mar 20, 2012 17:53:29 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Celebrate the FRAGGLE ROCK series with the stories, music and memories that have kept fans rockin’ in the ultimate FRAGGLE ROCK COMPLETE SERIES COLLECTION! Starring all your favorite Jim Henson characters — Red, Mokey, Wembley, Gobo, and Boober — joined by tiny diligent Doozers and giant Gorgs in one fantastical subterranean world that was awarded five International Emmy® Awards and has continued to be adored by millions of fans worldwide! Dance your cares away with the fully loaded collectible set containing all 96 episodes and 100 original songs of the award-winning series! The Complete Series Collection is a fan favorite with over 47 hours of content on an impressive 20 discs, including over eight hours of bonus features. So save your worries for another day and let the Fraggles take you to a place far away....
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